About Osra Yoga

Who is Osra?

Osra is the nickname that was given to my grandmother Ann-Marie Christopher.

Arriving in the UK as part of the Windrush Generation she helped raise me with love, strength & encouragement.

I decided to use her name as she stands for everything I hope to impart in my teachings - wisdom, resilience, strength & love.

A firm belief that you can achieve anything if you are focused on the outcome and the steps to get there.

That compassion and empathy are not bad words & kindness lives on in the minds of those you encounter long after you are gone.

A woman standing in front of the sea with her hands resting on her stomach

About Chantelle

Chantelle found her way to yoga in 2017 at Third Space in Soho after a particularly difficult year.

It was here she began practicing with Jonelle Lewis, Vinna Barber, Liz Higginbottom & others, who gave her a strong foundation and love for the practice.

It didn’t take long for her to realise that her yoga practice kept her grounded & enabled her to move through the daily pressures of life with a refreshed perspective & renewed resilience.

She moved to Kent in 2020 but struggled to find a practice that resonated in the same way as those she’d found in London. So, she decided to deepen her practice, completing her 200hr YTT under Katarina Rayburn & Helen Russell-Clark at the Kindred School of Yoga.

Movement is important to Chantelle, so you’ll find her vinyasa classes have a keen focus on building strength, while also providing you with the opportunity to be present through meditation.

Chantelle is a great believer in joy & being your authentic self. She invites you to bring this energy to classes - Take up space. Feel the joy. Find the light.